Tuesday, January 13, 2015

December 15- Gilbert


yes of course i am doing well! yes i heard about the seminary assessment! we teach seminary for a few minutes every thursday. so we heard the crestfallen groans of a typical high school student, "we have to take a seminary final too?" haha thank goodness they are JUST now enacting such a requirement. good to hear that 9 of them passed haha. i hope that marcus and kellie did! haha

how are things going with me? everything seems to be going great! no we did not have a baptism this weekend. hopefully two weeks from now. but we will see. Zoe is still doing awesome. she was sustained in sacrament yesterday as a relief society instructor. which is crazy for a brand new convert. but hey nothing that she can't handle. we did baptisms for the dead for some of her ancestors on wednesday. well we did confirmations. the temple president doesn't like missionaries doing baptisms. which is kinda ironic but understandable. It was awesome though. yesterday we invited her to go weekly to the temple to do baptisms. which is not something that we would invite any other convert to do haha. i've certainly never invited a brand new convert to do baptisms weekly in the past.. but once again... nothing she can't handle. she already gave out a book of mormon at work. she told us the story. which was awesome. told the lady that it changed her life, told her all about the book of mormon, the church... also is taking one of her friends to the mesa christmas lights this weekend. and hopefully her roommate too so we can go. so yeah... needless to say she is still doing awesome. 

have i had to wear sweaters and jackets yet? Went on exchanges the other day with elder thompson. He's awesome. but we both forgot our jackets. we biked all day. which is fine. but it was sooo cold. it was probably like 50 at the end of the night. which in arizona, after acclimating to the climate change, is FREEZING.

you're recovering from a cold too? yeah it's bad over here. everyone is getting sick! sacrament meeting sounds like a hospital. ummm we can go to the office when we need to. we just don't like to. but we can go any day. 
anyway.. short update this week. but hope that will do!

elder bronson

 this is our christmas tree... it is a broom stick, a can of clorox wipes, elder dayley's bath robe, four ties, and a chair. 

ACTUALLY!!! elder dayley broke the cold water to the washer... so in order to do the rinse cycle, i had to spend 30 minutes filling up the washer with water! one pitcher at a time. it was just great. 

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