Sunday, November 30, 2014

October 27- gilbert

Hey mom how are ya?! yes of course i had a great week. well actually i thought it was going to cool down. but it was still in the 90s all week. but i think it'll cool down next week. who knows though. it's arizona. everything has gone very well this week! well geri was out of town the entire week at a ranch. but she got back last night so we taught her. we are having dinner with her and the stake president tonight. so that will be fun. we took her to the temple last week but i think i already shared that with you. however, the family that we had dinner with we took to the temple on saturday. it was so good! the dad who has been inactive for 20 years, was pretty emotional going through the temple. and on the way home. elder bailey overheard them conversing about how he missed going to the temple. and the changes he would need to make to get back. yes he was eavesdropping. but it was good! they will need to take it a little slow though. so i will hopefully tell you more about them later.

no i haven't ran into any of the families that you have met on vacations. but you never know! two new sister missionaries from utah, huh? mom i feel like you just say these things to make your son feel good! haha that's awesome that hailey is doing so well in extra curriculars wouldn't expect anything less! but i've been doing a bit of soccer playing myself here on the mission. sometimes on pday, some of the missionaries in the msision go to this indoor field. it's so fun. and i don't even like soccer! but i'm gettin pretty good so watch out hailey! started tennis again? i haven't played in so long! but there is a sister missionary in our zone that wants to play so maybe we'll make a zone activity out of it! haha she actually is from boise too. yes we will not be out on hallowee. this year though we will be in the temple from like4:30 to 8:30. it will be pretty awesome. president said that we could do other ordincances following our endowment session. pretty pumped! i realized the other day, that i not only had not done baptisms for over a year, but actually had not been immersed in any sort of water regardless of ordinance work for over a year! pretty nuts. maybe i'll take a bath tonight an put my head under the water. haha just kidding.

hahaha that is so hilarious that dad announced that in singles ward. that is definitely the dad i remember! i'm sure she was so embarrassed. you hear weird jokes like that across the pulpit every other sunday. sometimes people cry during testimony meeting about how they are not married. others talk about when they were on their mission, their mission president promised them 40 virgin wives if they worked hard. weird stuff like that. kinda uncomfortable sometimes but you live with it!

 thank you for all that you do! and all the updates and inspiring words! love you much!

elder bronson

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